Tehran – On the first day of 1404 on the Iranian solar calendar (21 March 2025), the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah seyed Ali Khamenei and met thousands of people from various lives.
At a conference held in Imam Khomeini Husainiya, the leader spoke about the Iranian tradition of welcoming the New Year with prayers, pleas and gatherings in sacred places, and viewed it as a reflection of the nation’s spiritual perspective on the knowers. He has characterized the past year as being characterized by manifestations of perseverance, resilience and the spiritual strength of the Iranian people, explaining the importance of prayer and immobility in achieving great victory before the truth throughout history.
Ayatollah Khamenei described the current period of Ramadan as dedicated to Imam Ali (pbuh), emphasising that Iranian people and Muslim state should head to Nahi al-Baraha and draw lessons from Imam Ali (pbuh). He also advised individuals working in the cultural field that they “pay particular attention in studying and teaching this epic book.”
Ayatollah Khamenei described the night of Qadr as a precious opportunity for prayers and supplications to the Almighty. “Each hour of these nights is worth a lifetime and, coupled with the prayers of people, especially the youth, has the power to change the fate of their destiny and the life of the nation, in search of intercession from the Imam,” he said.
In continuing his remarks, the leader of the Islamic Revolution mentioned the US politician’s statement about Iran, saying, “When the US faces Iran, it must know that no threat will be achieved.” He added: “The United States and others must know that if they commit malicious acts against the Iranian state, they will be hit seriously.”
Ayatollah Khamenei described the interpretations of American and European politicians regarding the Iranian centre’s resistance as a force as a major mistake and shaming to these groups. “Why do you label them as proxy? The people of Yemen and the resistance centres in this region have an inner motivation to stand up to Zionists. The Islamic Republic of Iran does not need a proxy. Our stance is clear.”
The leaders of the Islamic Revolution described the immoral and resistance to the evil and repressive actions of the Zionist regime as a deeply rooted issue in the region. “When Palestine was first occupied, Yemen was one of the countries that opposed the Zionist regime’s repression, and the rulers of the time were participating in the international parliament to oppose the occupation of Palestine,” he said.
He mentioned the growing protests against the ruthless Zionist regime’s crimes against non-Muslim countries, as well as general and student demonstrations in the US and European countries. “The West authorities have resorted to actions such as cutting university funding for students who protested in favor of Palestine, which of course reflects their claims about the free flow of information, liberalism and human rights,” he said.
Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized the state’s opposition to the evil intentions of the Zionist regime and their resistance through all available means. He added, “The Islamic Republic of Iran is also opposed to this malice, making it clear that its consistent position and approach: supporting the Palestinian and Lebanon fighters who defend their country.”
The leaders of the Islamic Revolution were once again highlighted in response to the threat of Iran’s enemy. “We weren’t initiators of conflict or conflict with anyone. But we should know that someone acts maliciously (trouble) (trouble) and they will face a serious blow.”
Elsewhere in his speech, referring to the ongoing costs before the truth in the battle with the false front, he added:
While mentioning the loss of prominent individuals over the past year, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the ultimate consequence of enduring these bitter events and “seeking the immobility and help of the Lord” was the defeat of the enemy, especially the corrupt and evil, sleazy Zionian regime. He emphasized that in the challenging year of ashes of 1403, the country’s spiritual strength, perseverance, courage and courage were remarkably evident.