Tehran – Science and Technology Park in Mazandaran, and Biruni Teknopark in Istanbul, discussed ways to expand technical and scientific interactions.
At an online meeting, Karim Soleimani, head of Science and Technology Parks in Mazandaran, and Setsin Erzan, general manager of Birni Technopark, stressed the importance of strengthening cooperation in the technical field. The Ministry of Science reports.
The two sides agree to sign a Memorandum (MOU) focused on establishing a technology transfer office and supporting the establishment of Iranian and Turkish companies in both countries, encouraging Iranian companies to enter new markets. It focuses on.
Attracting domestic and foreign investments to support Turkey and Iranian startups will be a new step in the globalization of knowledge-based companies. This cooperation marks a turning point in the development of the international market for companies operating in the Science and Technology Park in Mazandaran.
Creating a platform suitable for knowledge exchange, investment and establishment of companies provides unique opportunities for Iranian companies’ growth and technological advancement at a global level.
The meeting appears to be the beginning of strategic cooperation between the two parties. Iranian knowledge-based companies and startups can benefit from MOUs to develop their businesses in Turkey and Europe.
Iran and Turkey support technical cooperatives
In 2023, Iran’s Turkish ambassador, Hikabi Kilranzik, and Iran’s Deputy Minister of Science, Vahid Haddadi-Asl, emphasized technical cooperation, particularly joint scientific cooperation.
“Iran’s scientific and technical relations have not developed in parallel with its political and economic relations. The IRIB, Haddadi-Asl, states that learning opportunities, student exchanges, scholarships, technology, In knowledge-based companies, they are ready to expand their ties with Turkey.
At a conference held in Tehran on September 12, 2023, Haddadi-ASL highlighted the importance of Iran and Turkey’s scientific relations as two neighboring Muslim countries.
“Before the coronavirus outbreak, we had a chair in Persian and literature in Turkey. There are still some (academic) chairs in this country,” he added.
“If a Turkish university agrees to establish a chair in Persian and literature, we are willing to send professors and pay any fees.”
“We are also ready to receive and review Turkish suggestions to teach the Turkish language that companies working in Iran need.”
“Many Iranian students are studying in Turkey at their own expense. We would like to study and solve the issues of the joint committee.”
Pointing to the recent earthquakes in Iran and Türkiye, he said: Their presence in Türkiye. ”
Kirlangic, who has worked in Iran since February, thanked Iran for his extensive support for Turkey as the earthquake struck the country, and linked it to close ties between the two countries.
He said on his part that “in order to carry out scientific research on earthquakes, joint projects may be defined by both professors and research centers.”
Emphasizing the cultural, historical and religious commonalities between Iran and Turkey, he added that scientific cooperation between the two countries has added far more than its current level.