Hossein Karroubi confirmed that the security guards would remain in his father’s residence until April 9 for security reasons, but confirmed that he had notified Karroubi that he would leave the facility even if he accepted the decision.
“After the removal of house arrest, there are no restrictions imposed on my father,” he added.
The unrest after the 2009 election was sparked by the claims of vote rigging by two rivals, former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Mirhossein Mousavi and Mahdi Karroubi claimed that Ahmadinejad won the election by fraud. This is an allegation that has been vehemently dismissed as unfounded by the authorities.
The defeated candidates then called their supporters into the streets and demanded a new election. The protests then became violent and snowballs became fatal riots.
The anxiety ended after months of demanding an end to violence and millions of Iranians called riot police incitementists settled a wave of opposition to protest.
Mirhossein Mousavi and Mahdi Karroubi are subsequently under house arrest to cause confusion and threaten national security.