TEHRAN – The Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings (WUR) 2025 edition ranks 81 Iranian universities among the world’s top universities in 10 out of 11 fields, compared to 73 universities in 2024. Ranked in.
These 10 subject rankings include arts and humanities; business and economy. clinical and health. Computer Science; Education; Engineering; Life Sciences. physical science. psychology; and social sciences. The 11th subject is Law.
The ranking includes 18 carefully calibrated performance indicators that measure an institution’s performance across five core assessment pillars. Education (assesses teaching reputation, student-to-staff ratio, PhD-to-baccalaureate ratio, PhD-to-staff ratio, and institution income), research environment (assesses research reputation, income, and productivity); (focuses on), research quality (includes citation impact, research strength, research excellence, impact), industry (measures revenue from industry partnerships, patents), international outlook (international students, staff, and co-authorship accounts).
Iran’s highest rankings are in computer science and engineering.
This year, 750 universities from 72 countries and territories will be recognized for their contributions to a wide range of arts and humanities fields.
University of Tehran (401-500), Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Shahid Beheshti University (501-600), Allameh Tabatabai University, Isfahan University (601) are ranked 1st to 3rd in the field of Arts and Humanities. There is.
This year’s ranking in Business and Economics includes 990 institutions from 85 countries.
The top five universities are Tehran University (201-250), Sharif University of Technology (301-400), Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and Iranian University of Science and Technology (401-500), and Shahid Beheshti University (501-600). in the field of business and economics.
This comprehensive assessment ranks 1,122 institutions in 83 countries for computing and digital technology.
Sharif University of Technology (151-175), University of Tehran (201-250), Amir Kabir University of Technology (251-300), Iran University of Science and Technology (301-400), Isfahan University of Technology, Tabriz University (401-500). They rank 1-5 respectively in Computer Science.
The Education Research table evaluates schools and universities across three core areas: Education Research, Teacher Training, and Academic Research in Education.
Approximately 767 institutions from 87 countries are ranked in Education Research.
Ferdowsi University and Karazmi University in Mashhad (301-400), Allameh Tabatabai University (401-500), Shahid Beheshti University and Shiraz University (501-600) are the top three universities for education.
The Engineering Table evaluates universities across five key areas: General Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Chemical Engineering.
A total of 1,488 institutions from 97 countries are ranked in the Engineering sector.
Sharif University of Technology (151-175), University of Tehran (201-250), and Iran University of Science and Technology (251-300) are ranked 1st to 3rd in engineering, respectively.
The Life Sciences table evaluates universities across four core areas: veterinary medicine, biological sciences (including biology and biochemistry), agriculture and forestry, and sports sciences. This year’s ranking includes 1,143 institutions from 98 countries.
Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, and Tehran University were ranked first nationally. They are ranked 401-500 worldwide.
The Medical and Health table evaluates universities across medicine, dentistry, nursing, and other medical fields. This year’s ranking includes 1,150 institutions from 102 countries.
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and Tehran University of Medical Sciences jointly took first place (301-400), while Qazvin Medical University and Shahid Beheshti Medical University took second place (401-500).
The Physical Sciences table evaluates universities across several key areas: physics, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, astronomy, geology, environmental sciences, earth sciences, and marine sciences. This year’s ranking includes 1,447 institutions from 107 countries.
Iran University of Science and Technology, Sharif University of Technology and Tehran University were ranked first (301-400 in the world).
Amikavir University of Technology, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, and Tabriz University are in second place with world rankings of 401-500.
The Psychology table rates schools and universities across several narrow disciplines, including clinical psychology, educational psychology, sports psychology, business psychology, and animal psychology. This year’s ranking includes 654 institutions from 66 countries.
Tehran University (401-500) ranks first. This is followed by Mashhad’s Ferdowsi University, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Karazmi University, Shahid Beheshti University, and University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, which are ranked 501-600 in the world.
The Social Sciences table evaluates universities across key areas such as Communication and Media Studies, Politics and International Studies (including Development Studies), Sociology, Geography and Anthropology. This year’s ranking includes 1,093 institutions from 100 countries.
The top three universities are the University of Tehran (301-400), Tabriz University (401-500), Ferdowsi University in Mashhad, and Shiraz University (501-600).
Recent rankings
The Interdisciplinary Scientific Ranking (ISR) has ranked 29 Iranian universities among the top institutions in the world for interdisciplinary scientific research.
ISR is a project launched in collaboration with Schmidt Science Fellows. A total of 749 universities from 92 countries are ranked.
Tehran University, ranked 77th in the world, ranked first in the country.
Shiraz University (132nd in the world ranking), Razi University (174th), Mashhad’s Ferdowsi University (187th), and Tabriz University (201-250) ranked second to fifth, respectively.
Shahid Chamran University and Urmia University in Ahvaz are ranked jointly at 6th place in the world rankings between 251 and 300.
According to the Quacquarelli Simmons (QS) Asian University Rankings, 32 Iranian universities will be included in the top university list in 2025, up from 31 in 2024.
The QS Asian University Rankings, published annually since 2009, introduces Asia’s top universities each year.
According to a report by Mehr News Agency, Tehran University (87th in the world ranking) ranked first among Iranian universities, followed by Sharif University of Technology (97th in the world ranking) and Amir Kabir University of Technology (114th in the world ranking). .
Isfahan University of Technology, Shiraz University, Mashhad Ferdowsi University, Tabriz University, Shahid Beheshti University, and Isfahan University ranked 4th to 10th, respectively.
Times Higher Education’s 2025 World University Rankings ranked 85 Iranian universities higher, compared to 75 in 2024.
The 2025 ranking includes 2,092 universities from 115 countries. There were 185 new entries compared to last year.
Recognized as the world’s most comprehensive assessment of university performance, the latest methodology includes a new methodology for evaluating universities across five key areas: teaching, research environment, research quality, industry engagement and international outlook. Contains 18 carefully calibrated indicators.
Sharif University of Technology ranked first in the country with a world ranking of 301-350.
Amikavir University of Technology and Iran University of Science and Technology (world rankings 351-400) took second place.
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and the University of Tehran took third place in the world rankings, ranking 401-500.
Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Shiraz University of Technology and Tehran University of Technology were jointly ranked 4th in the world rankings 601-800.