London – The Holy Prophet of Islam (Pbuh) states:
This noble proverb emphasizes the fundamental principles in the fight against corruption and deviation. All followers are obligated to stand up to misconduct and strive to reach their full potential.
In our time, one of the most dangerous and most dangerous mistakes is an act of rebellion and serving the enemy of Islam. People who serve foreigners and act as hidden tools and soldiers within the Muslim community not only betray Muslims and Muslims, but also support the power and control of their enemies through Islamic lands. These individuals actually allow for enemy crimes against the Muslim community.
Polytheistic Teachers of Condemnation: The Qur’an and Religious Principles
One of the fundamental principles of Islam is the condemnation of polytheistic teachers and God’s enemies. The Holy Quran clearly expresses this truth in Surah at Tauba.
“Announcement from Allah and his messengers to those on the great pilgrimage day that Allah and his messengers are separated from the polytheists…” (Surah at Tauba, verse 3).
The poem clearly declares that Allah and his messengers are separated from the polytheists, and this accusation must be imbued with Islamic society. One manifestation of this principle is the ritual in which Imam Khomeini (RAH) denounces polytheists during the resurrected Hajj.
The importance of rituals to condemn polytheistic teachers and traitors
Imam Khomeini always emphasized that it is a religious and political obligation to condemn polytheistic teachers. He declared that Muslims must strengthen their unity along with the Hajj ritual, with the slogan of distancing and distance from Islam’s enemies and their agents.
The ceremony, held as a rally during Hajj, faced serious attacks and oppression by American agents and traitors on the Islamic world. They understood that if Muslims unite and oppose the global arrogance and their internal agents, foreign rule over the Islamic world would end. Therefore, they sought to stop the movement with the slaughter of pilgrims and the oppression of condemnation ceremonies. However, Imam Khomeini’s message continues to live on, and Islamic society must continue this path.
Betraying Islam and working with Muslim enemies can manifest in many ways. Below are some of them:
Political treason: Some politicians and officials defend the interests of the Islamic community and serve foreigners’ plans rather than implementing policies on Islamic lands.
Cultural treason: Those striving to promote Western and non-Islamic values in Islamic society will alienate the state from Islamic identities.
Security and treason of spying: Individuals who provide their enemies with important and important information about Islamic countries and help them with ominous plans against the Islamic community.
Religious treason: People who wear religious clothes but distort religious thinking and teaching, leading Muslims towards dependence on foreign forces.
How Muslims should respond?
According to the noble hadith of the Prophet (pbuh), we must not remain indifferent to this great mistake. It is the duty of Muslims to stand up to these traitors and to reveal their true nature.
Practical conflict: Muslim communities must adopt independent policies, security and cultural measures and strengthen their economic and military foundations to prevent the penetration of traitors and agents. The Islamic government must also be firmly in the way of these groups, impose serious penalties on traitors, and support Islamic resistance.
Oral conflict: Scholars, thinkers, and Islamic media have an obligation to educate people about the dangers posed by enemy agents and to expose their true faces to everyone. No one should be afraid to tell the truth.
Heartfelt conflict: If someone lacks practical and verbal conflict, they must at least have their minds avoidance towards them and have love and relationship with them. This is the weakest level of faith.
True Muslims remain silent in the face of oppression, corruption and rebellion. Today, the Islamic world faces many challenges from its enemy, so our most important duty is to separate our ranks from agents and traitors and to confront their influence.