Tehran -Russia’s Deputy Minister Sergey Versinin met Moscow’s Ambassador Cazem Jarari to discuss the latest development in West Asia.
According to a statement from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported by TASS, the meeting was held on Friday and covered a wide range of regional issues. Both authorities have paid special attention to the crisis in the occupied area and the evolution of Lebanon, Syria and Yemen.
In the debate, both sides emphasized the urgent need for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and emphasized the importance of unlimited humanitarian access to civilians affected by conflict. They have repeatedly supported international mechanisms aimed at solving local crises, emphasizing the need for the effects of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council’s resolution.
Beyond regional issues, Russia and Iran have reconfirmed the commitment of expanding their cooperation on the international stage. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has investigated how to enhance adjustments between Moscow and Tehran within the global organization, reflecting the deepening partnership between the two countries.
In the related development, Kazem Jalari emphasized the importance of a comprehensive strategic treaty recently signed between Islam and Russia in Iran. The agreement, which was formulated by Iranian President Masud Pezkian and Russian President Vladimir Putin, is considered a major milestone in the evolving Tehran Moscow partnership.
Jarari suggests that this treaty should be useful not only in the two countries, but also in the multilateral framework with the BRICS member states. He emphasized that Iran has been trying to strengthen economic and geopolitical cooperation through similar agreements with Russia and other BRICS countries and facing global dynamics changes. 。