Scientific production in Tehran -Iran has continued to rise since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, rising to 33 in the world of 50 in 1980 to 17 in 2024.
Compared to the fifth in 1980, MEHR reported that it was ranked second in scientific production in 2024 in Islamic countries.
46 years after the Islamic Revolution, the country has made great progress in various stores, including science, health, safety, economy, industry, and law.
SCOPUS data reviews showed a significant increase in scientific production in the first 20 years after the Islamic Revolution, increased from 284 articles published in 1980 to 1450 articles in 1999, 8497 in 2005. Has reached. 。
Iran targets the 12th spots in the world in scientific production.
Despite continuous sanctions, Iran plans to promote scientific production rankings from 17 to 12 by 2027.
In particular, in the past three years, Iranian scholars sanctions, economic restrictions, and Iranian rankings in scientific production have declined from 15 to 17, stating that Shahin Ahanda, a Ministry of Health staff.
The country’s progress in scientific production needs to provide funds, promote research, and promote the ability to the migration of young elites, and to make up for the return of research and technology.
The Scientific Association increases 23 %
The number of science associations as one of the pillars of domestic science has increased from 322 in Iran 1392 (2013-2014) to last year (ended on March 19), and has grown 22.9 %.
The interdisciplinary and humanitarian associations have experienced the best growth. Within 10 years, the number of interdisciplinary and humanitarian associations has increased from 50, 102 to 85 and 142, respectively.
The Scientific Association has always played an important role in creating knowledge and achieving scientific development.
They are the main platforms of agencies that transcend political, racial, ethnic, religious and sexual boundaries.
The Scientific Association has emerged in accordance with the needs of the world of democracy and the strengthening of human solidarity. They also created an appropriate environment to establish free thinking and conversation culture.
The independence of the government in finance and human resources, the speed of action, the highly determined power, the limited bureaucracy, and the flexible mechanism will strengthen the domestic and international level.