Iran’s Parliamentary Speaker Mohammad Baka Karibahu on Tuesday marks the grand and historic funeral for the well-respected and popular leaders of Hezbollah, of Said Hassan Nasrara and Said Hashem Safidydeen. The grand and historic funeral for the showcased the unity, strength and public support of Rebenaud Hezbollah.
The funeral attended by Nasrara followers sent the world the message that resistance to the atrocities of the tyranny, occupation and occupation regime is an ideology that is not destroyed by assassination and crime.
Karibahu emphasizes that the beloved leader of Hezbollah is praised by both men and women who are not afraid of their enemies, and by witnessing such an astonishing funeral, God’s way is pagan and crime. He added that it strengthened his belief that he would not be wiped out by anyone.
He also showed that in the political realm, the indication of strength was not possible for the enemy to alienate resistance with such public support or exclude it from Lebanon’s public and security environment. I stated. He also stated that Hezbollah is an integral part of state power and a guarantor of the security of the country and the territorial integrity.
He said Hezbollah emphasized the need to avoid foreign interference while prioritizing Lebanon’s national interests.
Kalibah concluded that Iran believes national consensus is essential for Lebanon’s security, stability and advancement. The Islamic Republic therefore advocates for any agreement between the Lebanese government, parliament and resistance.