The Ron -Some West, a playwright by Martin McDona, a playwright of the United Kingdom -the United Kingdom, will be staged at the Theater Hall of the San Avian Arts Center in Tehran.
HOJJAT KHORASANI is a director of the cast with the cast Maeran Bahazadonia, Ali Arab, Amir Mohamad Cospur, and Zainab Nashibi.
The 65 -minute play is part of the trilogy of McDona’s Connemala and includes the “Queen of Lenang’s Beauty” and “Connemara’s skull”. All three plays describe the murder of Lenane in the west Ireland town.
In the play, Valen and Coleman have two siblings, two siblings living alone in their father’s house after their recent death, and no largest and violent conflict over the most common innocent topics. I feel it is impossible to exist in. Only the local young priest, Wales, is ready to settle them into malicious and bloody massacre in front of their trivial spirals.
54 -year -old Martin McDonagh is a British Irish playwright and a filmmaker. He is known for his absurd dark humor, who often challenges the aesthetics of modern theaters. He has won many praise, including the five Tony Award nominations, the Academy Awards, Six BAFTA Awards, two Golden Globe Awards, and three Olivier Awards.
Many of his plays are produced in the West End and Broadway, but “Queen of Renang’s Beauty”, “Initiman’s inconvenience” (both in 1996), “Innishmore Naka Li” (2001), “Pillow man” (2003), “cooperate with spokane” (2010), and “Hangmen” (2015).
McDona won the Academy Award for the Best Live Action Short Film of the “Six Shooting Game”, “Billboard outside Ebbing, Inmsurri” (2017), “Three Billboards” (2017), and “3 He has been nominated for the other six other Academy Awards for the work of “Tsuno Billboard” and “In Bruges”. “Innichelin’s Bansie” (2022).
He is the most controversial Irish playwright who is working today, and explores the Irish national identity, looking at the dark aspects of state life. His dark country in the Irish Court in the dark country, but the dark, black manga is discussed in its dark farce drama, violence and portrait of wild BAR, and a poetic dialect of Hiverno Britain.
“The Lonesome West” will stay on the stage on the Sahne Abi Center in Valiasr St. 1595 No. 1595 after TaleQani Junction until February 19.