In a message from Persian New Year on Thursday, Moseni Ejay called the designation of the new year by the leaders of the Islamic Revolution a year of “investment for production” and said the judiciary would play its role in promoting such investments.
“We are determined to implement plans and measures designed to help us realize this critical task quickly, and we will work fully together with other government departments to do so,” Mohseni-Ejei said.
“We will inform all those who are trying to transform the country’s economy and production in the capital and strengthen the livelihoods of those with good news that sanctuaries will be given to us in the future,” he said.
“On the other hand, we warn all factors that attempt to misuse the situation and carry out corrupt practices that are decisive and harsh in accordance with the law,” he added.
In the message from the beginning of the Persian New Year, Ayatollah Khamenei has designated calendar year 1404 as the “year of production”, and the government is responsible for removing barriers to economic progress, and citizens are expected to contribute positively by strengthening investments to promote economic growth.