Several aspects of Madrid -Donald Trump’s inauguration are outstanding. For example, his imperialist is the idea of regaining the Panama Canal if the country does not reduce the price of the US ship, and his intention to rename the Mexican Bay to the Bay. In addition, he was able to discuss his plan to launch something called “the largest expulsion of abroad” in the history of the United States, and began with the people who described him as “criminals” and it was illegally in Japan. We are targeting 15 million people living.
However, in this article, Trump focuses on his inauguration -style staging, which has placed a millionaire technical mogules before the members of his Cabinet. At Capitol Rotunda ceremony, he is a leader in the technology industry such as Mark Zuckerberg, META. Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook. Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk has gathered to symbolize the increasing relationship between the high -tech industry and the new President of the United States.
The growing influence of large high -tech companies, known as the big high -tech, is reminiscent of a medieval European feudal lord. This new system is called technology.
In the classic feudal system, the social structure is strictly hierarchical, along with the land that worked for them and the lords who worked for them in exchange for part of protection and production. In the modern version of the 21st century, it is a large company that controls important digital areas, which are the basic pillars of the current economy and society, that is, data and online platforms. In this new model, these technologies are similar to past farmers in order to perform daily activities from communication, consumption to work and entertainment in accordance with these platforms.
These companies affect our actions and decision -making. Just as feudal lords dominate land and labor, major high -tech companies have implications for access to data and digital space.
The monopoly of this power reflects the past feudal structure, and small elite controls basic resources that most of the population depend on.
It is important to keep in mind that the flow of data exceeds the flow of physical products in the global contribution to GDP. The rise of technology is forced to critically reflect the power of large high -tech companies in our lives, especially when artificial intelligence is dominated.
This “new” economic system affects everyone, but there is a big difference between the west and the “rest”. In this sense, colonialism is the past, and among those who think that it is still in progress, colonialism is not only sustainable, or the second. You can claim that there is a variation. However, it is currently transformed into its powerful formula: data colonialism.
Data colonialism does not include the literary diversion of the land, but contains absolute control of all kinds of resources through digital means.
What is being allocated today is human social life. The flow and texture of individual life is caught by companies and sometimes by the government. This budget mainly takes the form of data that creates economic value that can benefit companies.
Knowledge is power, and the amount of information that external organizations have for us are increasing in exponential functions.
COVID-19 pandemic has greatly increased the size and ubiquitous data of data colonialism. As the health crisis expanded, the need to globally monitored how the disease developed was shifted to a digital platform while the people were blocked. With the increase in digital conversion, the scope of data colonialism has also increased.
Data confiscation is particularly specific when observing how these same data is used by artificial intelligence technology implemented by the digital era. In fact, it is easy not to recognize data colonialism as part of our lives. Data and algorithms often work directly without direct consent or permission in the background of everyday routines.
Companies often accept this dynamics because our goals guarantee that our goals are easier, connected, and organized. In addition, it may be trapped in these extraction systems. This is because it has been proved to have no other options or to be useful for us. For all of these reasons, imagining what is replaced by the colonial framework surrounding us can be an actual challenge.
This new political form is called authoritative technology, which is a deeply Western perspective. What is known as a “rest”, that is, those who do not belong to the west side, the control of the colonials is always a division and hierarchy between people who are considered human, and therefore the advantages of democracy. Suitable for enjoying. A person who has never accessed it because he is not ready. In other words, for us, democracy (understanding from racial viewpoints) and the authority of others.
TechnoFeudalism provides a framework to understand the concentration of economic and technical power in the hands of a few huge companies. As we move to the 21st century, it is essential to maintain a critical dialogue on the role of great technology in our society. As in the case of Iran, the future of technology is comprehensive and not marked by colonial will to accumulate resources from indigenous people, and analyze the impact. You need to.