Tehran – The average rainfall is expected to be lower than normal from March 10th to April 4th, and lower than normal from April 5th to April 20th.
From March 10th to 16th, the temperatures in the central area will be lower than normal and in other areas will be lower than normal, ISNA reports.
Rainfall in the northeastern part, both sides of Mount Alborz, northwest, both sides of the Zagros Mountains, and southern states of the country are normal, normal and normal for states within and in the eastern part of the country.
Within the first week, the average temperatures in the Persian Gulf, interiors, and states near the eastern region of the country will be 1-5°C less than normal. It reaches 1-3°C on the coastal belt of the Sea of Omani, the north slopes of Mount Alborz, and above the north Zagros Mountains. In the northwest, it reaches 3-5°C than usual. In other areas it becomes normal.
In the second week (March 17 to March 23), precipitation is predicted to be less than normal in most parts of the country and normal in parts of the country’s northwest and west.
In the northern half of the country, the temperature reaches 3-6°C and exceeds 6°C in some of the strips in the northwest. Other components have temperatures below 3°C.
By week 3, average rainfall is predicted to be lower than normal. The temperatures in the coastal zone of Caspia are expected to be normal. The northern half gives 3-5°C, and in other areas it takes about 1-3°C than usual.
The 4-week precipitation is estimated to be normal. The average temperature is normal in other regions along the coastal zone of Caspia and above 1-3°C on normal standard sites.
Rainfall is predicted to be normal and normal within the fifth and sixth week. Temperatures in the northern half of the country will be 1-3°C above normal for the fifth week. In other areas, it is above 1°C. Temperatures in most parts of the country will go normal in the sixth week.
Rain over 250mm in the previous water
The previous water years (September 22, 2023 – September 22, 2024) ended with a precipitation of 252.7 mm.
The low precipitation of the previous water at the beginning of the year was a concern, but the amount of precipitation improved over time.
Due to years of drought, some states are suffering from water shortages, as increased rainfall did not compensate for the country’s water shortages, the IRNA reported.
A total of 10 states have less rainfall than normal.
According to the latest report, the total recorded rainfall for the previous water fiscal year (ends September 23) was 252.7 mm. This means an increase of 19% compared to the 212.9 mm rain received in September 2022 – September 2023.
It shows a 2% increase compared to the long-term figure of 248.7 mm.