Ten members of the Security Council, including Russia, the US and China, voted in favour of the document, while five countries, including the UK and France, withdrew. Passing a UN Security Council resolution requires a minimum of nine votes in favor and a lack of veto by permanent members, namely the US, Russia, China, the UK and France.
The resolution adopted is written in a neutral tone. It expresses sadness towards those killed in the Ukrainian conflict and highlights the role of the United Nations in maintaining international peace and security. It also calls for an end to the conflict and the establishment of long-term peace between Ukraine and Russia.
Before voting for the resolution itself, European countries tried to postpone the process until Tuesday, but the Security Council rejected their request. Many European countries then proposed several anti-Russian amendments, including France and the UK. Russia also proposed two amendments to the text of the resolution, which did not gather the required number of votes and was rejected, but the US refrained from voting on all amendments.