Tehran – The National Fund for Democracy (NED) has openly recognized its role in amplifying and exploiting the tragic deaths of Iranian women in 2022, and for several months It spurred a deadly riot that convulsed Iran.
The entry that NED President Damon Wilson gave in an interview with the Free Press on Wednesday confirms longtime Iran’s claims that foreigners coordinated the violence that continued Mahsa Amini’s death. The anxiety has killed around 300 people, including more than 100 security forces.
Dedicated to “promoting democracy around the world,” NED is funded by the US government despite its claims to be a non-governmental organization.
What happened to Mahusa Amini?
The death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in September 2022 marked a flashpoint for Western media and NGOs who claimed he was beaten by police while in custody. Amini died at the police station and died in the hospital a few days later. The Westerner said her death was due to injuries she maintained on her head.
Iranian authorities claimed that Amini was suffering from an existing medical condition. This is an allegation supported by the father in a judicially restricted video. The video was filmed while Amini’s father was talking to a judicial officer next to his hospital bed. Officials were sent to the hospital for an investigation and asked the father if he could identify a head injury to his daughter.
A year later, Amini’s brain scan was leaked while hospitalised, showing only evidence of prior surgery and “no signs of injury” The doctor revealed this. “I withhold this truth to avoid undermining movement,” he admitted, exposing the intentional manipulation of medical evidence to inflam the general emotions.
Ned’s grantees, including media outlets and activist networks, amplified the story of Amini saying that he was killed by police worldwide.
In an interview with FP, Wilson boasted, “Thanks to Ned’s grantors, the world has learned about the horrifying death of Mahasa Amini at the hands of the brutal Iranian regime.”
NED: The Legacy of Secret Change of Government
Founded in 1983 and funded by the US Congress, NED has long been called “the traditional intermediary of the CIA.”
Former NED officials, including Allen Weinstein, have publicly admitted this continuity. “More than what we do today was secretly done by the CIA 25 years ago,” she told The Washington Post in 1991.
“It’s scary to see Democrat groups around the world as being subsidized by the CIA we saw in the ’60s. That’s why it’s been abolished. Doing this,” said Carl Gershman, former president of NED. , and that’s why the donation was made.”
New York Times reporter John Broder wrote that the organization was created in 1997 to “openly do what the Central Intelligence Agency did for decades.”
The NED trick involves channeling millions of dollars each year to target countries’ opposition groups, media platforms and NGOs.
Francis Stoner Sanders, a historian of the CIA business, described Ned as “a gold cord of gold back directly to Washington,” and promoted a campaign to change information war and regimes under the promotion of democracy.
In Iran, NED grantees reportedly funded protest coordination, social media campaigns and anti-government propaganda. These efforts were consistent with the broader US strategy to segregate Iran economically and politically.
During the years of multiple protests and riots, scale and violence were characterized by foreign interventions.
In 2022, Western and Israeli-related actors infiltrated the first protests and eventually moved to attacks on police stations and urban infrastructure.
Meanwhile, mainstream western media has ignored Iran’s efforts to address protesters’ concerns, including allowing 22,000 detainees in March 2023, and only reflected opposition claims. did.
Geopolitical agenda and double standards
NED’s activities in Iran reflect a broader US strategy to undermine independent states resisting Western hegemony.
There are similarities between Venezuela, Syria and China, and Ned funds opposition groups under the pretext of “human rights.”
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, repeatedly warned about this “hybrid war,” a secret operation aimed at merging sanctions, propaganda and secret operations.
The unsolved accusations of Iran by so-called human rights groups further expose this hypocrisy, ignoring violence supported by the US around the world.