Imam Hassan Mujtaba (AS) was the second Imam. He and his brother Imam Hussein were two sons, Imam Ali (AS) and Hadrath Fatima (AS), daughters of the Prophet.
Imam Hassan was born in Medina in the third year and shared the life of the Prophet for over seven years, during which time he grew up under his loving care.
After the death of less than three prophets, or, according to some, six months before the death of Hadrat Fatima, Imam Hassan was placed under the care of his noble father.
Imam Hassan (AS) was extremely generous and he got in the way of Allah and gave away all his funds. No one left empty-handed and didn’t leave the door. He sat with the poorest of the poor when they invited him to share food with them. He was always kind and served food for the poor.
Imam Hassan (a) The Imamate era
The Holy Imam (AS) helped his father throughout his life until Imam Ali (AS) was marched when the Holy Imam (AS) turned 37. At this age he inherited his father and became the guardian of Ahrl Beit and Shiites. With his famous will, Imam Ali (AS) appointed him as the next Imam.
Imam Ali’s martialism marked the beginning of Imam Hassan’s (as) Imam almat on the 21st of the month of Ramadan. The Muslim pledged loyalty to him and confirmed the Beiat form (Purchase of loyalty). He soon had to meet the challenge of Syrian governor Muawiya bin Abu Sufian, who began to try to undermine his authority, as soon as he had taken the reins of leadership in his hands.
Imam Hassan Character
With human perfection, Imam Hassan was a perfect example of a noble grandfather, reminiscent of his father. As long as the Prophet was alive, he and his brothers were always in the Prophet’s company.
Both Sunni and Shiite sources have conveyed this proverb from the Holy Prophet about Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein.
The two imam characters had the same ingredients, so they were peculiar in their actions, March, steps and goals.
The excellent preparation provided for the grandson of the Holy Prophet (Pbuh) helped his spiritual beings to sublimate. His intimacy to Allah, and his attachment to him, was a source of adoration and respect.
Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, “Hassan bin Ali (AS) was certainly a true worshiper, ascetic and had a merit among the people of his time.”
Imam Hassan’s humility
– He is reported to have once come up by accident to a poor man who placed some bread crumbs on the ground in front of them. They were eating them. They invited him to eat with him. He accepted the invitation and said, “It is true that Allah does not like to be proud.” Finishing with them he invited them to his house. He showered them with money, ate and dressed them.
– He is reportedly sat somewhere. When the Imam (AS) rose, a poor man came. Imam greeted him and kindly spoke to him. “You came when I was on vacation,” he told the man. “Do you allow me to go?” “Yes, son of the messenger of Allah,” replied the man.
Imam Hassan’s kindness to cheating people
The man who instilled hatred and differences towards the family of Allah’s messenger (pbuh) by Muawiya bin Abi Sufian, once rode a horse and saw the Imam. He quickly fired a series of curses! Imam Hassan (AS) did not include any words of protest or interruption. When the man was finished, Imam Hassan (AS) approached him with a gentle smile. He told him, “I think you’re a stranger here. You mistake me for someone else. If you agree with us, we ask you for advice if you ask what you need. If you are a refugee, we will give you your luggage if you join our luggage, join our luggage and become our guest until the time of your trip.
Hearing these words the man shed tears. He then said, “I testify that you are the Viceroy of Allah on Earth. Allah knows the one who entrusts his message. You and your Father were Allah’s most hated creatures to me.
Then the Imam took the man to his house as his guest until the time of his departure. The man had completely changed his opinion and position on Ahlul-Bait (AS).
Imam Hassan’s generosity
Perhaps the most notable (as) attribute of Imam Hassan is his generosity. He believed that money was a way to wear naked clothes, help the poor, take care of them, and satisfy their hunger. Once he was asked: “We haven’t seen you disappointed in bee food. Why?”
“I want Allah to His favor, and I love being close to him. I feel embarrassed against the bee food because I need Allah.
Martialism of the Imam
One of the (as) wives of the Holy Imam was ju’da binte ash’ath bin qays. Muawiya conspires with Judah to poison the holy Imam. This evil woman poisoned the (a) drinking water of the Holy Imam, which quickly became seriously ill. After great suffering, the Holy Imam set out of this world. Just before he was martialed, he entrusted the Imamto matters to his brother Imam Hussein (AS) and made him the guardian of his own family.
Edited by Mohaddeseh Pakravan